3 3

This is so shameful.

MissKathleen 9 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Robert Reich is a great American who understands what is happening. Hopefully, if a Dem wins in 2020 as President there will be a cabinet job for Reich. Notice I didn't write "Biden." I'm still hoping that there will be a brokered convention and we will have a better candidate...

@MissKathleen It is wonderful to find someone who agrees with me...thanks



How much money did you get???

Enough to afford to eat, pay your rent, your mortgage, your unities, your credit card bills at 25% to 30% interest???

I thought not!!!

This Pandemic is the biggest fraud ever perpetuated against the people of this country and the world!!!

52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock!


I received my direct deposit on the 30th!!!


Shameful is too mild a word.
This sort of exploitative capitalist is disgusting.

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