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It's been circulating awhile(especially by the mainstream rubbish media) that scientists like Richard Dawkins and other Freethinkers are being categorized as 'Militant Atheists' just because they are outspoken scientists who provide winning arguments! I don't feel it is right to call a peaceful person who is only encouraging science 'Militant' while his only 'weaponry' is reason, questions and research. Do you?

PabloNeruda 6 May 18

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If you’re familiar with Rosenberg’s work on non-violent communication, it’s not hard to view Dawkins as militant, even though “militant” doesn’t necessarily mean violent - it just means having an effect.

But Dawkins’ approach does violence to our cultural heritage which other prominent atheists aren’t as guilty of. Daniel Dennett, for example, cautions that, as good scientists, we should understand religion a lot better than we currently do, before carelessly destroying it. Sam Harris is at least respectful of “spiritual” practices such as meditation, and isn’t afraid of the word “spirit”.

Dawkins is a fine scientist, but when he speaks about religion, he is out of his area of expertise. He apparently knows surprisingly little about cultural anthropology, sociology, art history, evolutionary psychology, or indeed, the central mainstay of civilization that he’s slashing and burning to the ground.

If that’s not militant, I don’t know what is.

skado Level 9 May 18, 2020

Let's start by the opposers providing any 'violent' language or deeds Dawkins showed! Can you? You are not going to use the term 'intimidated' cause your belief can't prove what you claim and some else is pointing that out, are you? Richard Dawkins doesn't need me to advocate for him but the man is only pointing out the facts and using the SAME scriptures and explanations the deities herds are preaching about for thousands of years! If that is 'Militant' then what do you call a religious person who proudly say to belief in a book that STATES to reward the KILLING of unbelievers? Dawkins is a great value to humanity and the fact the some herds creature can't demolish what he says doesn't make him Militant but makes them powerless! I guess you need to see the long c.v. this man has before claiming that he has no cultural, historical,,, knowledge!


@PabloNeruda -- Because he is a militant atheist. A more accurate term would be antitheist activist. In a sense there is little difference between a militant atheist and a street preacher except perhaps class and venue, though they will often take their views out into the street as well. That is exactly what Aron Ra, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Seth Andrews, and many others are. They are class acts representing and presenting atheist ideas, god bless 'em, to the public in the public arena.

There is a line to be drawn, though, between rational antitheist activists and the atheist who states flatly that there is no god when speaking in public. It is a fine line and one that even I cross on occasion when I get frustrated while dealing with some god fearing nitwit. Where I am satisfied in my mind that there is no god/supernatural and have determined to live a life free of any sense that there might be fairies, leprechauns, and such, it is not all right for me to state that outwardly without including that it is my opinion based upon what evidence I have to this point.

When any atheist does that, makes the flat statement that there is no god, he/she potentially does harm to what we would like to see for humankind. A world without the nonsense such ideas represent. The reason for that is also simple: Until sufficient evidence is presented that there is no untouchable, unseen realm beyond the physical universe that we can measure and understand, we cannot know that it is not there. To make the statement puts us in the same position as those who say there IS a god.

You are contradicting yourself in many ways, although I agree on some of your thoughts. Please see my view on the danger of using such terms as 'Militant' in respect to (outspoken) scientists! You say "Because he is Militant'! And yet choose to dilute that by trying to approach a much lighter form. I had to say this jargon so many times in life, but again, here it goes:" When YOU come up with a theory (god), then it's YOU who needs to prove and I DON'T need to disprove it!" Are you trying to say that others have the right to demonize you just cause you speak out in public like Richard does?

@PabloNeruda -- I dilute nothing. Militant in the vernacular of the U.S. means "in your face" activism of any kind. I prefer the term antitheist activist because it is more specific and is not a dilution of militant. An atheist is merely one who holds no belief in a god whereas an antitheist is one who is against the idea of a god and if that person is also an activist he/she is "in your face" with his/her views..

As you said, he who makes an assertion is then responsible for providing the proof of the assertion. With that in mind, "There is no god," is an assertion and the party making the assertion is charged with proving that assertion. None of us are in a position to prove there is no god. Because of this, it is unwise and does a disservice to other atheists to make the assertion in public. I think you can figure out why.

Again you are playing with words, and again I partially agree with some other stuff you mentioned. But how about we check what an American like you sees when he look up the word Militant in a dictionary, English is still your official language, isn't it?

favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.
"the army are in conflict with militant groups""
Is Dawkins running after religious people begging them to debate or to convert? Nope, they stand in line to ask him a question!
Btw, Richard Dawkins says to be an Agnostic Atheist. A 6 on a scale of 7(look it up please), so the man is not dismissing (your) god. He is simply saying you are welcome to prove it, and when you do give us a call, we'll be most likely either doing some useful research or just enjoying our daily life!

@PabloNeruda -- You are tending toward becoming tiresome, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and not make any assumptions. Here is Richard telling you in his own words pretty much what I said in my first comment. We are not in disagreement here:


@evidentialist I wounder if you really listend carefully to what Richard was referring to when he talked and joked about 'Militant Atheism'! Or did you just search the words Militant Atheism Dawkins on the internet and made the 'assumptions' he is propagating Militant Atheism? Tiresome is indeed annoying and btw I don't mind you to disagree, but I believe that you and many others who might not have seen or read the work of Dawkins for example are tempted to downsize how mainstream media and Washington's lobbies are treating an outspoken scientist like Richard.


Maybe just as right as calling mainstream news outlets that you don't agree with rubbish?

lerlo Level 8 May 18, 2020

Ofcource they are rubbish! It's not about what I don't agree on! If they publish an article SHOWING with Evidence that I'm wrong, I'll be the one to self-reflect and correct! You are mixing reason with emotion. They are demonizing, in a away or another many Freethinkers!

@PabloNeruda well if you're just going to pronounce it as so , it must be 🙂 Lot's of reason used there. You aren't demonizing THEM 🙂 Enjoy your rant.

@lerlo a rant? 😂😂😂 Please see the post where I describe people who attack a person and his thoughts and opinions cause they simply DON'T have a winning argument! It's called being mentally bankrupt! Enjoy that too😄

@PabloNeruda Once again another pronouncement from you--if you say it it must be true. You wouldnt recognize a winning argument if it hit you in the face and certainly there can never be a winning argument against you 🙂 Suggesting that it might be the pot calling the kettle black was an attempt to get you to see that you're doing the very thing that you accuse the media of doing but then again, once you pronounce something it has to be true...thanks trump jr.

@lerlo just read your own words and maybe, just maybe you'll recognize that you are the one who is claiming to be 'true'! You're most welcome Trump Jr. Jr!

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