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I have a very smart,articulate and proud black friend. I met her when she was giving a speech trying to stop the 1st Iraq war. I think it is important for all of us to remember where we have been when it comes to racism so I am sharing her post to day.

"I cannot escape the images of George Floyd, but in an attempt to do so, I turned to some geneological research. I found new information on my great-great-grandmother Rebecca Sophie Keller. It brought a smile to my face until I remembered her story -- how she died of cholera, leaving young children who were SOLD INTO A WORKHOUSE (well after the date of Emancipation) and sentenced to work their little bodies doing laundry in return for meager fare and a hard bed to lie in, for the crime of being black and orphaned in Louisiana. How my great-grandfather Richard Keller and his oldest sister Carrie, just children themselves, worked night and day to create a home and had to purchase their siblings' freedom from this nouveau slave construct. How shared sacrifice and courage in the face of unbelievable adversity got us through things that no child -- indeed, no adult -- should have to face. How I never even knew her full name before, Rebecca Sophie, no last name, and still do not know where she hailed from, because she and her husband George were considered property, not human beings, and how their descendants are likewise considered less than human and can be murdered on the cold streets of America, lynched for the crime of being black. How black children are snatched from their mothers' arms every day and thrown into foster care hell and behind bars. How nothing, has. changed. Fuck the police. Fuck white supremacy. Fuck this nation that has promoted it, profited from it, built wealth and power based upon this racist settler colonialist construct, this knee the necks of black, brown, indigenous people for so many hundreds of years. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired."

Lorajay 9 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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This perspective might be new to you, but where I'm from, when a non-black person describes a black adult as articulate, it is rarely taken as a compliment. It could be similar to me as a black woman saying, 'I am dating a white guy who can dance and has a big d!ck.'

I sincerely hope my friend does not feel this way. The 1st time I met her I went up and introduced myself to tell her how impressed I was with her speech opposing the Iraq war. I am still impressed with her speech not because she's black but because she is extraordinarily articulate and on point when it comes to progressive issues. I only mentioned she was black to give context to her comments.

@Fred_Snerd Which is why I wouldn't have commented had Lorajay's friend been white.

@Lorajay If your friend is as 'extraordinarily articulate' as you say she is, then she is probably used to those comments by now. How she feels about them though, might be beneficial to know as her friend and all.

@TMA2NC I will ask her. One of the reasons I posted was because she told the story of the workhouses poor blacks sometimes ended up in a 100 years ago. I knew about the evils of sharecropping but had no idea that the workhouses had ever existed.


Where are the Black Panthers? Bring them back.

I fear that would be in a bloodbath in today's America.

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