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Snaggles is in a particularly ballsy demanding mood today, & is now getting whiny. Three different times when I got up, he jumped up in my chair. After getting him out of it yet again this 3rd time, he jumps up on the table. As soon as I stand up to get him off the table, he walks around my computer & hops back into my chair.
So, I get him out of my chair once more & put him on the couch, then sit back down. He sits there a while looking upset, then hops down & comes over looking up at me, wanting the chair. He sits there a few minutes, then starts giving me this pitiful meow, which he repeats every minute or so for 6-8 minutes.
I finally appeased him though, by clearing the jackets from the seat of the chair next to me, folded up one for cushion, & put him on it. He sniffed at it a couple times, looked at my chair, looked at me, then curled up & has gone to sleep.

ElementX74 6 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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