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Why?Why? Why are my 70%+ matches Always from other States or Countries..Why?..gawddammit! it me?

Charlene 9 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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all my 100% matches are like 20 yo

Obviously the site's algorithms identify you as the sort of woman only very young men can keep up with - you saucy minx, you! 🙂

@Jnei i know I could beat them leg wrestling

That I might consider..yummy! Young, dumb and full of come home to Momma!


Same problem. Elon Musk needs to get his arse in gear and build these hyperloop thingies so we can all get around and visit one another without having to shell out thousands on airfares!

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

You're an 89% match..but I'd need a thousand quid just to visit!

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