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Opt out of Public Schools...Opt out of The System. Barter, Homeschool, bear arms--
Who's ready to bug out?!
Find little communities and be sustainable! Yes? Why not?

Skeezwazzle 7 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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90% of home schoolers lack the basic skills to teach their kids modern science and history. Or help their kids socialize. "Small communities" "bearing arms" typically end up as min-dictatorships or cults. And, if you are suggesting dropping out because paranoia says "the gummint" is coming to get you and you need to arm up,I'd suggest you Google some Hellfire missile videos, see what they do to a tank and figure out what they'll do to your stick build home.Of course, there are always those Mormon cult communities where polygamy is embraced. I'm not sure if the extra wives are a boon or a bane, especially since you have to reach Grand Poobah status to have them.

You have an immense capacity to look darkly through the glass..

@Skeezwazzle Comes from living in the real world and studying history.

@RonWilliam53 - Helps to have debate and open up for some different perspectives--


You had me till the bear arms part. I don't mind hunting but don't want to be anywhere they are stockpiling guns because they think the government is out to get them.

@Skeezwazzle - People need to arm themselves against the have-nots who are not even prepared for 3 days without electricity--not the Gummermit. Think your responses through, is my suggestion. I said nothing of arming against the government.

@Skeezwazzle Ahh, the evil "have nots". Probably black or hispanic, right? I had you pegged right the first time.

@RonWilliam53 - No. Could be poor white folks, zombies even..
You couldn't peg me--

@Skeezwazzle I don't believe in your "have nots" either. Conspiracy stuff, I'm out.

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