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What does this pic suggest? Your interpretation is highly valued.

IAJO163 8 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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"Why did we abandon God? Without God, we are doomed. Time, perhaps, to put religion back into its rightful place, back into the legislature of every State in this great nation of ours. Likewise the White House. Only then will we have hope."


That America is doomed. Putting hope in an imaginary impotent phantom over and over again without results is insanity.

If prayer actually worked believers would be famous, the evidence would be undeniable, it would be a viable resource that everyone would exploit.

A fart would get more attention and action.

I see it as the work of a right-wing chauvinistic Christian nut job.


It suggests that this guy thinks the United States is a Christian country and it's not.

lerlo Level 8 June 20, 2020
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