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So I tried this site out about a year ago after realizing I was non binary and getting an offical autism diagnosis. I was still lacking confidence and blamed a lot of the problems I saw on here on myself. So just left.

I decided to come back. Now with a bunch more confidence and feeling comfortable in my own skin, so to speak.

I now realize why I left before was because a majority of the people on this site are ableist or homophobic/transphobic and the site does very little to moderate it.

I reported a user for having a very transphobic profile. Reported their transphonic and ableist post and their very transphobic comment back to my comment stating how problematic their OP was. The only thing decided was a problem was the comment. The post and profile still remain.

What bothers me most is this guy posted the transphobic/ableist post back in like March and no one said anything about it.

Transphobia/homophobia/ableism/racism comes in many levels. Some very subtle. Some blatantly obvious. I see it on every level here. I find it odd that people that label themselves "humanist" and agnostics are so intolerant of any other marginalized groups and spout vicious hate against them like so many have done to humanists/agnostics/atheist for being a minority as well.

This is all I see on this platform. People mocking others. Ableists. Homophobic and transphobic comments all over. If this is what being a humanist is, then I suppose I don't fit in. I take the definition literally.

This site needs run better.

iamWVhumanist 2 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Being an old country boy raised in a rural area and never having lived in a big city of more than about 15,000; there's many ideals, lifestyles, etc., of which I'm unfamiliar, but, having only been on this site since April, 2020, I've never read any post from any of the rooms I follow, statements of a transphobic or homophobic nature. Perhaps I'm just not in those particular type rooms, I don't know. That's one reason I left FB was because of all the judgmental postings from intolerant losers. I think, overall, this site has many, many tolerant members, so if a few persons' posts offend you, block them and enjoy the chats with the rest of us. 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky


The largest group of people on here, by far, are vocal defenders of alternate lifestyles! Are you on the right site? Because we spend most of our time Calling Out the haters!


My experience with this site is that it is a diverse group of people with one thing in common: we don't believe in gods. There are racists here, ageists, intellectual snobs, all people who don't believe in God's. I'm afraid that if you are going to be comfortable here you're going to have to deal with all of those people the way you deal with them in the real world.


That has not been my experience on this site. Though I too would think that as a humanist, atheist or agnostic one would be unable to be phobic concerning any of the variations the human expression can take.


You can block anyone you do not want to hear from. If the are abusive report them. I have found that this works fine. There is no way this site needs to harm anyone. I would comment that do not take one post to judge anything as I for one try to use sarcasm to rile these people up allowing them to be better seen.


Interesting perspective, but I can't say I share it. I have seen more inclusion of marginalized groups on this site than any other. Don't let one bad egg spoil things for you. I know there are many groups here that express a very different attitude than what you are describing as being "all over" the site. But in the end, if it's not for you, no one is forcing you to be here.

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