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Explain, that if the Earth, A.K.A the centre of the universe is only 6000 years old, how can a galaxy be over 1.93 billlion light years away?

magicwatch 7 Apr 6

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I think what you mean is how can we observe a galaxy that is determined to be 1.93 billion years away. But a good question, and Bible inerrants have an answer. As well as I can repeat it, at the time of creation, 6000 years ago, the Creator saw fit to include not only the entire universe, but also that light which would have been emitted by that galaxy 1.93 billion years ago, and is just now arriving here. Essentially, the Creator put in place a grand show that looks as if it had been going on for much longer than 6000 years. To me, that is going to an awful lot of trouble to prop up the idea of inerrancy, when it makes so much more sense to accept the idea that the Bible was written by fallible humans.


Acrording to the Godbotherers I have discussed this with God created the universe 6000 years ago with stars 1.93 billion light years with the light from them alreadybridging the 1.93 billion light years gap minus the last 6000 light years worth.
So yeah.... obvious isn't it, really if God is a total w*nker

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