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We can send a man to the Moon, in fact, we did so over 50 years ago! So, why can't we blow in a bag to test for the virus? If it can be transmitted by breathing, breath in a fricken bag! Someone is making a fortune off these test kits.

desertastronomer 7 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I've worked in a lot of labs and I've never seen a mass spec that can process a bag. However, funny you should mention spitting for a test...just today a med student from U of I told me they've developed a spit test they are going to be using for staff/students as they return to Campus this fall. Not sure if they have any plans to make it widely available, but there sensitivity and specificity is on par with the test of the options we currently have. My assumption is they'll be spitting in a sterile specimen cup, though. 😉


Yes it could be possible. But a breath test would provide a smaller more dispersed sample, which would mean the test would have to be more sensitive and high tech, which would make it more expensive, and then people would make an even bigger fortune out of it.


They have a test now. It entails inserting a swab in each nostril. What's the big deal? Let's test and trace. Insulate cases and quarantine. We may be at the point of no return but we can try. Some imaginary breathe in a bag test? What difference does it make?

barjoe Level 9 July 20, 2020

@desertastronomer I've had two tests. They weren't particularly invasive. Both test cost me zero. Have you done any research on your hypothetical bag test? It depends on where you live I guess. There are testing programs available. I'm in Pennsylvania and they've done over a million tests.

@desertastronomer I didn't use my insurance

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