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My objection to Christianity is ...
First and foremost, if you believe in an all-powerful God who can do anything such as violate the laws of physics. And you also believe in a devil who would do anything to trick you such as present evidence to contradict the Bible. Then you no longer have a point of reference from which to form your own opinions. You can't have a clear assessment on anything. You then become a victim of whatever Idea is being promoted at the time. A victim of whoever is charismatic enough to get your attention.
Christianity gets people to convince themselves, that certain acts and ideas are okay.
When in fact they are not okay.
These people ignore and accept things that they should be outraged about. And in turn, what that does is desensitize their conscience about things that are wrong in the Here and Now.

I can prove it to the open minded.
Here are Things that Christians accept as Examples of Godly, good things, that are not okay...

Sacrificing your child to save your own ass, or sacrificing the innocent to redeem the guilty. It's just the strong victimizing the weak all over again.
It is not okay
All primates know they must protect their young. And we as humans have come to understand we must not only protect their body but their innocence as long as possible.

Mutilating your genitals to show some Act of commitment to your deity is not okay

Pretending to partake in an act of cannibalism to remember and honor your deity is not okay

If you read the Old Testament and think about the things that their God told them to do. You would realize that they used the concept of their God to promote their own form of racial Supremacy. Therefore justifying acts of murder, rape, pillaging, and enslavement.

Examples - The Israelites agree to allow a certain tribe to join them, if they are willing to circumcise themselves. Then they sneak over there and kill them all.
They lied to them, trick them, and then murdered them, it's not okay.

Or in another story, murdering an entire tribe, all except for the young virgin girls who they take as sex slaves. Not okay.

If the Jews were truly God's chosen people, shouldn't God's actions be a shining Beacon of righteousness out in the wilderness?
A beacon that would show compassion, patience, love, understanding.

Christians have convinced themselves that that's what he's all about now, with the New Testament. But that's not true either. Because anyone who doesn't do what he wants them to do will be burned for all eternity while he enjoys the smoke of their torment Rising before his throne forever. And in his own words he said I did not come to bring peace but a sword to divide a man against his father and a mother against her daughter.
That is not a good being, that is not a good deity, it is not okay.

Is it right or just to punish a child for something you know they did not do?
You know it is not.
But Christians allow their God to get away with doing this to humanity. Supposedly, Eve did something she knew she wasn't supposed to, even though she had no knowledge of Good and Evil until AFTER she had eaten of the fruit.
So, Not only was her judgment unfair, but so is punishing all of humanity for her act.

It is no wonder this stuff breeds insanity.

RobLes 6 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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To understand the mythology of religion and see the poetry it contains is to take the power of myth and redefine it. To take away the the power and transform it into a poetry of love. and the support of a more loving society. No one will turn a Christian fascist, an evengelical to reason. But the average Christians that are unaware of the persistent and continuous assaults on our secular commons and science are reachable. Evangelicals fear the concept of 'Pubic Good.' For they want all authority and control in the hands of the religious police. To not study and learn the language of our enemies is for me, insane. The enemies of modernity will if given a chance, bring a Christian caliphate as hateful as Saudi Arabias is.

To discount the power of myth and the stories of Odysseus, of Sisyphus, or Jesus is for me, entering a gun fight with a stick. Yes, all of the nonsense about miracles, demons, and gods is a surrender of our humanity.

Yet American Exceptionalism is a Biblical claim. A claim that US citizens are the new Chosen People. That like the ancient Hebrews, it disconnects us from a moral compass. It wall papers over the genocide of Natives Americans just like Israel is doing to the Palestinians today. And explains in part why we love Israel. For both countries claim genocide as god's permission to claim/create a country. And is the same claim of the Nazis, as the superior Aryan Race backed embarassingly by the fact Hitler used the antisemetic speech of the Vatican. And the iconography of Christianity appeared in the war metals and belt buckles. When I'm invited by Christians to talk about these things, I call myself an agnostic. For the term atheist is seen as dangerous/crazy. yet I see little difference. And if that allows a dialogue, then hell yes. Proof of a diety would change my mind, but woud first check into a mental institution.

To believe that Christians are going to talk to people who say, Jesus never existed, expecting that to hold weight, WTF. They will dismiss everthing you say and stay in their retarded bubble. My friendships with preachers and normal mainline Christians had led several to stop going to church, some to join us. I give them names of books depending where on the journey of modernity, they are. Books by Sam Harris, Bishop Shelby Spong. . . I'm guess many haven't discovered the book- 'WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD- How to Create Beauty, Give Love and Find Peace' By Frank Schaeffer. Son of the man who wrote the principles and started the Evangelical movement. Frank freed himself from what he calls the Village Idiots of Christianity. If Christianity ever stops their assaults on our commons and loses the tax-free status, I'll stop studying the bible. And figure we won. Until then, I see them as the most dangerous movement within the US. And the pentagon has whispered those fears within the upper ranks privately. Wondering how many crazies are within our nuclear deterrent triad. Who might be willing to try and bring on the end of days. I will meet them with respectful disagreements and the evangelicals, with scorn.


My objection is if you bring your pagan beliefs into our secular commons, I will fight for the Enlightenment and critical thinking. As a life long student of theology, I use the facts of history, irrony and sarcasium. Depending on the amount of God Whispering of the deluded, is whether I stay polite or go to ridicule. As we talking Biblical Hermeneutics or Apologetics, facts are the only thing I will bring to the table while understanding how useful the sacred lnguage. I don't reject it, it's a poetry of love. I just redefine it. And then let the blood letting begin. Otherwise, keep your biblical babble out of our temple, our secular commons.


Like many people I was indoctrinated to religion in my youth. It wasn't until I really started reading this nonsense from the beginning to the end that I said to myself (paraphrased), "WTF?". Actually, it took a little bit of time to find my free will but, damn it felt great when I finally submitted to my own control and quest for reality. Isn't it easier to spot bullshit when you seek what is for real, that can be weighed, measured, tested, and backed up with facts?


What always gets me is why did this all-powerful being allow Satan to become a "fallen" angel? And why can't this all-powerful being control Satan?

marga Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

You would think he would just kick his ass. Maybe they are one in the same, like Clark Kent and Superman or Donald Trump and Orange Julius.

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