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Have you thought about this?

Trump is 73, Biden is 77, the of Covid-19 among the elderly is still very and according to the medical experts will continue in 2020.

So if one of them gets Covid-19, is hospitalized, happens to go on a ventilator and becomes serious......

Who do you think will come forward or be put forward to......

  1. Replace Biden candidacy? and....
  2. Replace Trump candidacy?

Try to think independently without your party or candidate affiliation.

St-Sinner 9 July 27

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Because this is all hypothetical let's add reincarnation to the mix.

Republican- Theodore Roosevelt
Democrat--- John F. Kennedy

Do you have a time machine?


I'm waiting to se who Bidn picks as VP


In Bidens case I would imagine Warren or Sanders, and Trump's case a talking parrot would do repeating the same shyt over and over and over again ad nauseam. 🤮


i go with sanders too and I can't think of a good republican to nominate

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