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An interesting discovery in Spain's Atapuerca cave. This new discovery completes its record of every hominid species to inhabit Europe from over a million years ago to the present day - the only place to do so.


Petter 9 July 29

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IMO, paleoanthropologists have to state their claims more carefully than this article’s attention-grabbing headline and later statements do. If it’s science, it can be falsified.


The article’s first words: Two sharp quartzite stones carved by a hominid....
Is being carved the only way that quartzite stones become sharp?
Can impacts, volcanic explosions or lightning bolts do it?

Examine the rest of the article as closely as the finder’s academic competitors will.

Importantly, does depend on satisfied subscribers who know little science?

@yvilletom el Pais is a respected Spanish National daily newspaper. The online version also has an English language section, which covers some of the more interesting news items.
As you can see, these stones are too carefully shaped, on many facets, to be natural.
The site has many respected anthropologists continually investigating finds.


All the experiences I have ever had with representatives from archeology, anthropology, or geology—areas of science that deal with the untestable past—have resulted in my being told with supreme authority that everything those experts were saying was accurate, correct and precisely known. And they accepted no suggestions of alternative hypotheses.
— Don Scott, Ph.D., retired, University of Massachusetts/ Amherst. (Scott taught electrical engineering.)

@Petter I did not say, or suggest, the stones were shaped naturally—by running water or blowing sand. I asked can impacts, volcanic explosions or lightning bolts shape them.
Further, academic research appears in professional journals. Has this information appeared in any such journals?
For what reason would it appear in daily newspapers? Few of their readers understand science or the scientific method.

@yvilletom You obviously have no appreciation of the intellectual standard of Spanish readers of Spanish daily newspapers. Spanish dailies, unlike the tabloids of England, for example, do not survive on tittle-tattle and celebrity gossip.


Do the Spanish have tabloids like those of England? Or those of America?
If so, do they compare with Spanish daily newspapers?
I didn’t want your equivalences to escape consideration.

@yvilletom Not really. They have celebrity magazines like "Hola" but fortunately no News Corp / Rupert Murdoch sensational trash.
For 22 years, here in Spain, I owned a publishing business that produced three well respected titles - monthly, fortnightly and weekly.


These "hominids" were more advanced than Homo Erectus. Homo Antecessor was quite advanced and lived over 1 million years ago. Pretty amazing.

barjoe Level 9 July 29, 2020

Each wave aped (sorry, had to say it!) the discoveries and techniques of sub species that evolved before them.
Wonder what our next sub species will be like? More intelligent - or regressed?

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