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A new treatment for insommnia that works - []

Allamanda 8 July 30

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Not quite the same (except for those who can't sleep because their bed partner snores) but in the People's Pharmacy it was said and shown that if a person snores they can strengthen their throat muscles by singing for half an hour before bed. It has been shown to work. Singing to get rid of snoring.


I don’t as a rule suffer from insomnia, but on the odd nights that I haven’t slept well, I can understand how debilitating it must be, and how tired sufferers must constantly feel. This sounds like it could be really helpful, but of course it should be used in conjunction with CBT Sleep Counsellors, and not as cheaper substitute.


I’ve found ‘the old treatment’ still works well: work hard, sleep hard.. But not so hard your hands throb during the night 😕

Varn Level 8 July 30, 2020
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