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Would you own a sex robot?

SamL 7 Apr 7

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If it works and I can customize that 100% why not xP


Sure! Why not. As long as it can be built to my specifications. <efg>


Well, I certainly wouldn't rent one.

OMG my dying. That's funny!!!!! ????


I would sure consider it, but not sure.


No, I want fully interactive AI. Programmed to meet all my needs. Not only sexual.


Much too expensive ! Australians believe that New Zealanders are a pack of sheep shaggers, so I guess I will have to stick to that !


No thanks

I do agree Wildgreens 1


Yes, definitely. What a talking point standing in the living room. I have never been on a motor bike, but years ago was going to buy a new Harley just to put on a stand in the living room because they look so good.


Of course. Men don't have any toys as good as a vibrator... Yet.


Yes. I want several!

Dear me Nadeya09, don't be so greedy, leave a few for other people .[ like me ! ]


Kids & grandkids going through deceased person's items "OMG GRANDPA EWWWW" LOL
What would they do with it? The beloved sex 'bot? Put it in a landfill? Take it to charity? A 2nd hand store? Salvation Army? LMAO!!


The technology for creating "lifelike" robots has certainly produced some interesting resutls...
See link

Hey, if it never got headaches, I'd bang the shit out of it!


I’d have to see a tutorial video and read the owners manual before I could make an educated decision.

Jk no I would not.


Hell No!!


Could it double as a maid?

gater Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Probably not. Vibrators are cheaper, and if they break down, it's much easier to get another.

Agreed. "Robot" seems like a bigger commitment than I'm willing to make.

@Funnygir175 Exactly!

Can you imagine surviving relatives sifting through your stuff to parce out then coming across something like that? LMFAO!!!!

"Oh.... well so 'n so was weird anyway and it's good they never had kids, now what do we do with this thing?!"

@Qualia For a lot of us, something like that would come as no surprise to our surviving loved ones. My nephew would laugh his ass off, and I'm pretty sure he'd bring it up at the 'roast' he's promised in lieu of my funeral.

@KKGator LOL.... all I can think of is a huge special storage container with a warning sign on it: "In the event of my death do not open, trust me." LMAO

Yeah, you can shut a vibrator off if something goes haywire. Just imagine if that thing got lockjaw if you were doing that kind of deed.


I am not sure...
I can find several arguments why I would... and an equal number why I wouldn't.
On one side it is a good way to exhaust some sexual pressure and fulfill some fantsies while not having a partner to share them with.
On the other hand one sex toy, no matter how sophisticated it is, could by no mean deliver the emotional joy and pleasure of having a real, loving partner.


Hmmm... Depends. Are we talking Blade Runner advanced bots or current standard? If Blade Runner, yeah, sure I'll try anything once. If not... well... no. It's gotta be as close to human as possible.


I was married to one. 🙂

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