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Probably should have asked this in the beginning, but is this a safe place to talk? I mean are we here to honest and mature with each other? Can we talk about anything? I apologize in advance, but I'm used the immaturity of Face Book

soa 4 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Let it fly


For the most part it is safe, but beware there are a few insensitive people here....and a few trolls. But for the most part everyone here are awesome


This is a perfectly open forum where you can speak your mind, you will probably get differing responses but this is an opertunity to learn of other peoples views, which in my case has caused me to question some of my posts.


All types, you may get hammered by some for a comment that others really appreciate.


Best way to find out, make a post that you think might draw some annoying words.


Ask away... You are on the right track to find out yourself. Welcome


It's very welcoming but i get the impession anyone gets out of line it's very well self policed. I don't mind saying something if it needs saying. So i think people try to foster a safe space for people to talk .. You always get the odd ones slipping through don't you.. I bet christians come here to troll lol :🙂


I think most people on here are as open minded as you will ever find. We like to learn and explore the facets of life. I think you would have to be really offensive to upset the average user here.


This is better than FB.


In my experience it's not as bad as Facebook, but occasionally disputes have come up.

JimG Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

Probably I'm sure someone will tell you if you are out of order

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