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"The pandemic is helping the rich get even richer. It's time to tax their obscene wealth." - Bernie Sanders


"$731,000,000,000. That’s how much the wealth of 467 billionaires increased since the Federal Reserve started taking emergency actions to prop up the stock market in March."

"the Make Billionaires Pay Act I recently introduced"

If that ever happened, the billionaires would take the money and run.

"In my view, we can no longer tolerate the three wealthiest people in America owning more wealth than the bottom 50%, the top 1% owning more wealth than the bottom 92% and 45% of all new income going to the 1%."

Then we should boycott capitalism.

Fred_Snerd 8 Aug 12

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Too confrontational. Instead, they should force these billionaires (we know them, we love them) to invest in domestic infrastructure, jobs, prosperity. We do that by showing them it is in their financial best interests to do so


That works out to approx $243,000 per every man, woman, and child in the U.S.
And they are still squabbling over the $1200 stimulus checks!


FWIW, they don't say how many hundreds of billions were LOST in February. I wish I invested in March πŸ™‚

Admin Level 9 Aug 12, 2020
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