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‎Friday, ‎August ‎28, ‎2020

Souls of LOVE - Personifying - Ones Self -
Spirits of ENERGY - manifesting - a Person -
Beings of LIFE - exemplifying - Who U R being -

We R - Eternal Beings - Divinely being -
a Person - thru a - Magnificent yet mortal -
human body of - {matter mass liquid & gas} -
expressing & experiencing - the - Will & Intent -
Desires & Choices of Ones - {Body Mind Spirit} -

so it is that - U R & I AM - as ALL is - GOD - being -
All things & No thing - as - EVERY - thing - in - LIFE -
as such R We - Eternal & Divine - Beings Souls Spirits -

if U seek - contentment & fullfillment - in LIFE -
Go within to envision the Person U so - Choose to be -
lest One goes thru LIFE without ever Knowing - Ones Self -

confute that which ye - believe to be false -
analyze & examine - consider & contemplate -
discern & ascertain - Your - Truth as Energy -
being a - sublunary - human - form of LIFE -

Namaste - Eternal Beings - Divinely being -
U - Personifying - a human - Life form -

Be ye that which U so Choose to experience Ones - Self - AS -
for - U R - in fact & deed - a Divine - Individuation of - GOD -
as LOVE being ENERGY in LIFE - manifesting - Who U R -

Love Often- in Life -
and U will - Be Happy 🙂


the Worlds Best Vocalist - presents it Magnificently in this cover -
Dimash Kudaibergen - Across Endless Dimensions

KWAPELL7 6 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Funny this seems to be becoming quite repetitive, I am sure I saw posts exactly like this one the last three or four weeks. Are you a bot. I always wanted to meet a bot.?

No - unfortunately for U Fernapple -
today will Not be the day U get to meet a bot -

but tomorrow U should definitely go see your eye doctor -
as U R most certainly in need of prescription eye wear -

as my posts R -"in fact" - exactly how -
LIFE is - NEVER - "exactly" - the same -

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