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I came across the following post:

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning.

This received many angry responses. Those who commented all instantly associated the post with the color of skin, race, that kind of things, although the post only describes the color white in contrast to the color black.

Some said that the poster was a troll. Maybe. There is a mischievous intention attached to it. Maybe. Still, it's interesting how our minds are preconditioned, huh? Is this what identity politics does to our minds?

Jetty 7 Aug 28

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That usage of black and white predates modern racism, and goes back at least to the middle ages.

One other interesting question to ask therefore is. Why the deliberate polarity ? I have never seen a white person, sort of beige/pink/grey at best, nor have I ever seen a black person, very dark charcoal grey with a hint of brown, being the closest, and that is very rare. Therefore if there are objectively no black or white people, is not choosing the most polar colours, as symbolic of race, a deliberate overstatement of difference using false facts.


Keen observation, I'm inclined to agree with you.


How about Caucasoid versus Negroid? Do they have an opinion with what each are associated with?


SCOTUS saw evidence of that preconditioning in the Brown vs. Board of Education case sixty five years ago that tried to desegregate public schools.

@Jetty Thurgood Marshall, later appointed to SCOTUS, was one of the attorneys in the case.

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