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Well, that is a pretty wild hypothesis . . . []

Archeus_Lore 7 Sep 2

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It is all biblical.

"STARS ARE ANGELS" in the KJV Bible. []

Revelations 1:20 ...The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches,...

Its is considered angels are created. Angels are considered beings that are alive created as if with being the star.

John 1:1 .. logos was with God and was God.
John 1:14 ... logos become flesh.

Logos is greek for thought/word/reasoning. Cognition is thinking ability, has life.

So, hypothetically they are just hypothesizing the biblical text.

Word Level 8 Sep 2, 2020

The game can be described in two ways:

  1. Do not insist on evidence when the purpose is to get as much taxpayer money as possible.

  2. When the purpose is to get as much taxpayer money as possible, do not insist on evidence.

That’s why, when trying to understand politics, it’s both helpful and dangerous to do as investigative reporters do, follow the trail of money.


From what I understand about the natural world, "if it can happen it will happen". I certainly would not dismiss it out of hand, but I would like to see more development of the hypothesis along with some supporting observations.

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