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As we get closer to the election I'd like to consider the candidates for the sake of clarity. To begin with, both of them are fundamentally corrupt and are subservient to their campaign donors but the difference between their individual levels of corruption are vast and should be considered.

Joe Biden -- is a middle-of-right corporatist Dem. He's not supportive of any major change to the status-quo and won't support anything as radical as Medicare4All, debt-free college, or even the legalization of recreational marijuana at the federal level. He is agreeable to make marginal improvements to the healthcare system through the ACA but that's as far as he's going to go with it. He will sup[port states mandating their own laws with regard to recreational marijuana so if your state wants to make it legal to smoke weed, he won't get in the way and he'll try his best to deal with the COVID-19 issue at whatever level it's at come Jan 2021. I would've liked to have seen a more progressive politician selected as the candidate but we have Biden so we'll move forward with him. He will remain pro-corporate in office, of course, but he's probably not likely going to do any further damage to the country or to democracy in general if put into office. There won;t be any secret phonecalls to foreign nationals to help him win re-election nor fill his Cabinet with criminal conspirators pledged to enact his will and I believe he's genuinely committed to trying to un-do some the damage that Trump has caused.

I certainly have my issues with Biden and Harris but they're what we have so we'll try and vote them in and hope for the best.

Which brings us to the incumbent. Jesus be with me as I try to remain calm while discussing him.

Donald Trump -- who is sociopathic, narcissistic and corrupt on a level that John Gotti would've envied. His term in office has left no room for further discussion, he belongs in jail, not the White House. Under Trump, the economy has tanked and unemployment is through the roof both due to his epic bungling of the coronavirus pandemic. There's increased anger nationwide, civil unrest, protesting and riots. There's simply never been anyone so unfit for office put into office. His policies favor only corporations and the wealthy, especially himself, he actively marginalizes any race that isn't white, the LGBTQ community and the poor. He openly admires ruthless authoritarians while actively alienating our allies. He's a liar, cheat, paranoid, ignorant, divisive, racist, sexist, uninformed, (by choice) unintelligent, (stupid) immature and childish. He ignores science and experts in their fields in deference to his "gut" and he talks out his ass like a carnival barker, ignoring whatever truth and facts that don't service his narrative. He barfs up nonsensical word salads and calls them speeches and interviews, he's chaos incarnate, he's... Look, I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and on but this has to end somewhere. He's a scumbag in an ill-fitting suit, a bad rug, and lifts.

The opinions stated here do not necessarily reflect those of, its holders or subsidiaries especially not Slug. I'm Sgt. Spanky and I approved this message

Sgt_Spanky 8 Sep 3

Enjoy being online again!

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All that being said, it's actually credible that Trump could win another 4 years. What kind of country is this if he could win another 4 years with that record?

Oh yeah, he has a very real shot at another term with that record. That's what's so bewildering. In decades past, he'd have been GONE long ago. What explains the R party abandoning everything they ever held dear for this shithead??

I think a big part of the reason why he would win is because he and his minions have been destroying the system for four years, allowing 2016 election interference to go unpunished and encouraging it again in 2020, killing the postal system from within and disenfranchsing voters by closing polling places and throwing voters off the rolls. He claims if he loses, it will be because of cheating, but that's exactly the way he plans to win.

@dkp93 I guess my point is that even with all that 10s of millions of people would have to still have to
vote for him. That means that there are literally 10s of millions of Americans who have no problem with a leader of the country with that "resume". It says something about America that a large portion of it's population actual finds him in a "good" light and perceives him as something "positive". What kind of moral foundation could such a nation actually have for that to be feasible?

@redbai Nothing explains the dysfunctional thinking of Trump's base. He has united and focused the political support of a nation of ignorant dumbasses who are clueless about what a President is actually for and how a President should behave. To them, everything that makes him unfit is what they love about him. It's effing ridiculous.

@redbai I've been thinking that since 2016 when tens of millions votes for a man who bragged about sexual assault, mocked a disabled reporter, lied incessantly, discriminated against people of color, bankrupted small businesses by not paying them and tying them up in court, bankrupted his own businesses, and showed zero evidence of being the moral christian he claimed to be. Etc. Etc. Etc. This country is not the moral leader we like to pretend we are.


45 has to go.

Biden has to win.

My point exactly. I just took an additional 2371 or so words to get to it.

I love the ways u talk 🙌


Jail would be too easy... He has earned the firing squad .... Along with several of his enabling co conspirators.....

I disagree. I want him in prison with the best healthcare possible so he can suffer the humiliation of being despised by millions (billions?) for many, many years.


AI overlords, anyone?


You forgot a ver imprtant difference, TRUMP IS A FUCKING TRAITOR!

Yeah, there's that too. Like I said, I had to stop somewhere because there's just so goddamn much.

@Sgt_Spanky that's cool, but I would have started with that little thing you forgot.

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