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Have u ever experienced something that you would have interpreted as a sign, or a ghost, if you were theistic? I get signs all the time. I get visitations. I have so many ghost stories, I could have been a hell of a believer!

obtusethevague1 7 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes we actually had another thread about this yesterday. Something "ghosty" happened to us once, several years ago. Not a regular occurence. But some people are far more prone to such experiences.

I've had a few serendipitous events happen, odd synchronicities that I can see how undisciplined thinkers can read way too much into them.


Back when I was a Woofraulein, I thought I saw all sorts of things. Once when I was driving my car with a passenger, I had to pull over, the flashing lights in front of my eyes were so bad. My passenger, a self-styled "witch", said I was having "transformational psychic experiences".

When I finally could afford new lenses, I told my new optometrist. She told me I was having ocular migraines. The "witch" and I were no longer friends, so I couldn't tell her that... but that's a story for another day.

Humans have developed pattern-seeking brains over the eons, and great imaginations. I'm not surprised that people think they can see ghosts.

@obtusethevague1 You're welcome. There's more where that came from. I was a big-time woo-fraulein.


I don't think you have to be a believer to acknowledge weird things happen. You just don't attribute those things to a religion. They can easily be attributed to the natural world. There are scientific branches that study such things on a more earth bound, natural, sciency level. It's just a matter of research, observation, etc. and just figuring out where such things come from.

AmyLF Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

What are you smoking and where can I get some? Lol


There is coincidence and imagination. Our brain does a lot of interpretatin of the input it gets from our senses and doesn't always interpret correctly.


I put ghosts into the same category as UFO's.


That's very interesting. I think death is death and an end to consciousness and existence. Soooo.... if I were confronted with incontrovertible evidence before my own senses that a ghost or other paranormal entity was present I would have to re-evaluate my entire belief system. Fortunately, I have never experienced a haunting.


I don't believe in ghosts and goblins but I have had a few things happen that I can't explain. The one that stands out the most is when my grandmother passed. I had just spoken to her three days before and there was no indication that she was going to die any time soon. On the morning of March 13, 2003 I woke up from a sound sleep at 3 AM and knew somethng was wrong and I immediately started calling her number. At the time her phone was ringing she was taking her last breaths - how did I know? Haven't a clue - it's just one those weird unexplainable things.


I don't think you have to be religious to believe in the paranormal. As a matter of fact the few people l have known who believe in the paranormal are all nonbelievers.

I don't believe there's such a thing as "the paranormal". If such things as ghosts exist, surely there'd be scientific proof by now?


I don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal, like many of you. And yet, I loves me some of the better ghost shows and paranormal movies and shows. Go figure.

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