I went to an all-girl catholic high school in Ohio and finally agreed to go to the latest reunion, our 50th. So after 50 years, I found the majority of the ladies were still staunch Catholics, gushing over the mass said in our honor (I did not attend that) and at least one was a vocal Tea Partier and Rump supporter. She lives in Flori-duh, is the president of The Villages branch of the tea party, and has some kind of broadcast or podcast where she spreads her hateful messages.
Of course I stayed away from her the entire time and rejected her social media connection requests.
My issue is with just how tolerant these “good Catholic girls” are of the vile and hate filled rhetoric she represents. Some of them seem to support her view but are not nearly as vocal.
My point is that we may grow up and have a good life but some never found their critical thinking brain. Do you find this true in your own experiences? Even if you aren’t as as me?
I've never been to a single HS reunion, since graduating nearly fifty years ago. But I manage to keep apprised via FB, and Classmates.com. It never ceases to amaze me how reactionary many of my classmates turned out. I have no plans to go to the fiftieth reunion. But if I did, I'd avoid all political/ religious discussions. And I would probably leave when all the braggadocio began.
Missed my last one, but had attended all those prior.. The ‘all alumni’ gathering we’d had was an eyeopener, 99.9% Whites. After describing ‘that’ being what I’d noticed while roaming the park looking for the location, one got angry … though I suspect she was more upset over my inclusion of ‘middle aged’
Many had moved from our working class neighborhood to the ‘new money’ side of town. But, never feeling entitled to begin with, I recall little if any boasting or arrogance. Actually, they reminded me of ‘the bones of our city,’ Portland, OR ~
I was home schooled so no reunions like that for me