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Asexuality is not a crime. Asexuality is not a disorder. Asexuality is not something that needs to be fixed.

I love how normosexuals tell Aces that we’re wrong, that we just need to be fucked good into liking sex. That we’re ill. We’re not ill, we’re perfectly normal. Asexuality is a normal orientation, not everyone likes sex nor needs sex to feel happy in life. In fact, for a lot of asexuals the oversaturation of sex in our culture makes life uncomfortable for us. There’s many Aces out there that enjoy sex but need specific criteria for arousal. There’s Aces out there that are repulsed by the naked human body. There’s Aces out there that need a connection with mind, body and soul. There’s Aces that are turned on by intellectual stimulation.

We preach acceptance of everyone’s sexual orientation. You can have sex with whomever you like as long as it’s consensual. It’s seems though that that acceptance is null and void when it comes to those of us that don’t have sex.

rant over 😉

PeppermintDreads 7 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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0 is it that "Sexual Deviants", and "Dominatrix..." are listed in this forum as related to Asexuals? I can't even wrap my brain around that one.


That's your right and your own path.


Why would l care or know unless you wear a t-shirt letting me know. Since the vast majority of women on this planet who like sex don't want to have sex with me and that doesn't keep me up nights, I'm certainly not going to give a second thought to those who don't care for sex at all.


But why would I care if you, or anybody else, has sex?

@PeppermintDreads well that’s just absurd


So many labels and so little time


My daughter is ace and has taken so much crap from everyone about it. So many people just can’t or won’t accept the idea of ace as a sexual identity

Phin Level 6 Apr 9, 2018

I didn't know there was such an name for Asexuality, Aces, I like the name. Now I want my nickname to be Ace. It will save a lot of explaining later on. As a side note; in my last relationship she told me that she didn't care if sex wasn't a priority with me. When we broke up she hooked-up the next day with somebody on POF.


Well the Christian conservative is going to think you need some kind of conversion therapy because his little brain can't comprehend it.

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