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Haven't been here much lately...other things going on (surprise health issues) and busy tackling the latest on my list of pursuits (building my 10X15 workshop). It's been a struggle (since most of the pre-drilled holes were too small and/or mis-aligned), but it's finally coming together! Finished putting the roof on yesterday, so only things left are the doors and to anchor it down (anchoring kit coming today).

I couldn't have done it without the help of my wonderful 13 year old son. He's been such an amazing helper! He grumbles occasionally, but l think he's just as excited as l am about how great it looks (and that so much of it was his handi-work!). Once we finished up for the day, l let him ride his go-cart as a treat for working so hard.?

Free_2B_Me 7 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice project, and it seems that you have a great helper.... 🙂
What's the workshop for ???

Place to keep all my tools, work bench, etc...for when l need/want to work on things. Tired of having to gather up everything l need to do a project; when l could have it all in one place. Nice, neat, and organized!

nice, you are so much more ambitious than I am. 🙂
I guess it's time for me to get organized..
My back porch needs attention. Lol


Yea, l've been trying to get this building up for about 4 years at least. Was gonna do the pad myself, but after the stump removal, ground leveling, and other delays, l just bit the bullet and paid someone to do it for me!

The building itself, however, has been 100% done by my son and me. Something we're both quite proud of doing!


What a great kid!

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

He really is a great kid! Of course he has his moments (like any other teenage boy), but he really is a sweetheart!?


Love the pecan trees!

I know, me too! Have many in my yard as well as Bur Oak and Red Oak...also a couple of Redbuds and 1 Black Walnut.

@Free_2B_Me I've lived in Texas my entire life and I still can't tell the difference between a Live Oak and a Post Oak or any other kind of oak. Redbuds can be so beautiful. Especially this time of year. Is the Black Walnut "native." Not sure I've ever seen one. Other than the restaurant chain.


The black walnuts grew here without human intervention (if that's what you mean by native), but they don't seem to do well in the heat and drought conditions. They don't produce very often (which is fine by me, since they messy up the yard) and the one l have left is slowly dying because it's just been too dry for too long.

@Free_2B_Me Yes, that is what I meant by Native. I looked them up on the Ag Extension website. I've never lived west of i 35, so maybe that's why I am not familiar. Sorry for your potential loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your tree.

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