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People are highly susceptible to social influence but rarely understand the full extent of that susceptibility, thereby misattributing their compliance to their true desires.

Altaf 3 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Absolutely. People thing they are these totally independent beings, with all their actions determined by their own thoughts or desires, when actually so much that we do is based on social norms, whether going along with them, or fighting against them. We are truly social beings. There's a good piece by John Dewey about this, but I can't remember what it's called right now.

@Altaf Whatever the piece is, it's not a whole book. It's an essay that I found in one of my Dad's philosophy books.


Yes, I'll buy that (he said while replying to a message on a social media site).


Yes, very difficult to be aware of the full extent of its power.

skado Level 9 Apr 9, 2018

Which is why asserting the right to think, speak and express yourself freely is so important, if people are subject to only one point of view they place themselves in the grip of tyranny.
WHY? Is always the most important question to ask before accepting, obeying or even considering any course of action presented to you
"What are the alternatives?" Is the second.

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