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The Genuine First Sunrise

Long before Epiphany and stories of Three Kings
Ancient peoples noted the event that this date brings.
For on this date the morning sun within the Northern Skies
Will pass the point most tardy of its daily morning rise.

It is reborn, no longer old and in a weak decline.
From henceforth, for the next six months, ‘twill ever sooner shine.
Though the druids built their henges, as a solstice marking tool
The Vikings used this later date to mark the end of Yule.

The solstice merely marked the start; its death throes if you will.
For sixteen days they kept strict watch, as they drank and ate their fill,
Waiting for its rebirth, as the start of every year,
Until on the sixth of January they gave a mighty cheer.

So although the first of January convention has decreed
To start the year. I think that to the Vikings we ought heed.
It marks when we first notice the lengthening of each day.
‘Tis the “Genuine First Sunrise” of the new year, I would say.

Petter Finne - January 2018

Petter 9 Apr 9

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