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Sadly accurate, but still a pretty damn funny play on "Hope and Change."

WilliamCharles 8 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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And you’re gonna do better with four more years? You call yourself an Atheist, or Agnostic? If so, you’re a stain on our name

Varn Level 8 Sep 29, 2020

I draw the line at primary rigging in order to install the corporate tool that is Joe Biden.

@WilliamCharles Where do you draw the line at no primaries at all? All your pissy bitching about one party - while not a whimper about the other?

Sure, you don’t like them either - but you’d stick us with another four years because you didn’t get your way in an open primary in which every candidate has recommended we vote for Biden?

You are a disgrace and danger to Atheists and Agnostics and should be banned from this site. Out ~

@Varn - scratch a liberal, reveal an authoritarian.

You're free to make your pro-Biden case. The gut who was sinking fast to the point even his corporate donors were bailing. Then, like magic, endorsements were bought and all of the sudden he's the "safe" choice.

He should be slaughtering a reprobate the likes of Cheetolini, but his master plan of courting Republican votes sonehow fails to resonate... with anyone (other than the Rethuglican rats deserting their sinking ship).

And Creepy Addled Uncle Joe is so tone-deaf, his campaign page beams with pride over the endorsement of the man who poisoned Flint's water (Gov. Snyder). []

The Dems are convinced that getting the Green Party taken off the ballot in some states will win them votes. The likely result will be a backlash where many of those voters select Trump because of their outrage. And this are battleground states, for chrissakes.

You just keep pissing up a rope and see how effective your electioneering is. Are you phone banking for him, or is your "outreach" limited to your hectoring here?

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