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What Did Trump Mean When He Told Proud Boys to ‘Stand Back and Stand By’? [] via @RollingStone

Charliesey 7 Sep 30

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I actually don't think he meant anything by it.
He tends to babble in sentence fragments of adolescent gibberish, which often contain fragments of his innermost thoughts.
"Stand back" could be his Id telling his Ego to feel on the defensive. While "stand ready" could be his Id telling his ego to prepare a counterattack. Trumpy is mentally ill, and babbles like someone who is mentally ill. But it is unsettling that some of his brownshirts apparently mistook his psychobabble as actual marching orders.


Being that I grew up around such ‘boys,’ I’d say he’s pleased with their activities and glad they’re ‘on his side’...

Varn Level 8 Sep 30, 2020
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