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Biden's luck is on the rise.... one boon after another without having the ability to beat Trump with a good economy and without Trump's mistakes.

I am happy but it is weird we are happy to get a less incompetent man. But better than Bernie, right?

St-Sinner 9 Oct 2

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The vote is between democracy and fascism IMO. That's all we get for choice this go around.

‘Xcept @Sonja44 it ain’t democracy.

It be plutocratic oligarchy with democracy here ‘n there now ‘n then, but still better than fascism everywhere.

What “here ‘n there now ‘n then” mean?

It mean that in only seventeen states we voters can put measures on the ballot and vote them into law. Your Idaho and my California are two of those seventeen.

But in 33 states and in the nation voters elect people who can accept bribes and vote into law only what they want.
Source: at, search on ‘ballot measures’

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