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Good Day To You All,

Some of you may have already come across this - it's David Attenboroughs witness statement for his incredible life on this planet. It takes you through the changes to the natural world from 1937 through to now and what's expected for the future. It is available on Netflix. I watched It and it evoked so so many emotions..maybe more so now that I have kids too.

Anyway, watching this 90 min documentary is an imperative for all of us.IĀ  would love for each and every single one of you to watch it with the whole family (including any parents).Ā 

Please please get on board! It is the least we can do to educate ourselves and of course also for a 93 year old man working tirelessly still to spread the most important message in human history.

Thank you šŸŒšŸ’ššŸ™

Anismail 5 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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