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International flag on profile pictures?

I am not sure how things are run on this site, but something I've encountered twice is discussions that would have been greatly informed and more constructive if the post was flagged with nation of origin. I'll start a discussion here, because I do not know if there is a more appropriate route to suggest a feature.

This is particularly in regard to several posts that sound horrible in a western context, but could actually be meaningful in an Indian context or informative in an international context, but also the post about "Name Day."

Although I don't think our nation of origin defines us, it does provide much context for our discussion and given our sparsity and desire to create an open and accepting community, I think that having that context would help alot.

Although I can drill into the user's profile and see that information, I don't think that is sufficient and propose maybe a national flag floated to the right of the span that sometimes contains match percentage. Maybe a nation of origin flag on the post itself?

DJVJ311 7 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes it would be helpful me being a Brit on here, I do make allowances that I am on an American site,although we speak the same language...English....we do at times have different world views. Well most of the time actually! I usually find that a source of mild ribbing(joking) and I quite enjoy that too.


Generally, I'll look at the person's profile in order to determine why the person has answered the way they have.

SamL Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

I agree with evidentialist, rather than a flag, if anything just spell out the person's country of origin.


Great idea !!
It often helps when we realize what our cultural framework is.

mzee Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

You are of course assuming that everyone recognizes a flag's country of origin. For example, would you recognize the flags of Zimbabwe and Myanmar? I use this process: When I find a post a mite confusing, oddly worded, or just outright bizarre, I go to the person's profile. Works almost every time. Well, except for those who don't provide any information.

Most people will recognize that it's not their country and when a group of people from the same foreign country are talking. If I do not recognize the flag, I probably won't recognize the cultural context either, but at least I will know that I'm an outsider in some regard. I do the same as you, but others do not.

On an open forum, even people from the same neighborhood, indeed on the same block, are bound to alienate one another from time to time. I've been involved in activities where I have faced heavy criticism quite frequently, some justified and some not. One learns to develop a thicker skin or one does not survive. Thicker skin does not mean lowered empathy or emotions, it just means learning that no one will meet with agreement all the time and that one needs to be agile enough to field odd or occasional absurd comments.

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