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What is your definition of perfect? With that said how does that affect your world view

NEOTHEISTFool 4 Nov 27

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I find that imperfections can be very beutiful look at nature and notice how the trees, rivers, and hills are imperfect(asymmetrical), but looks all the more beutiful for being so.


I personally believe that there is no such thing as perfection.


There's the perfection used in ontological arguments in trying to use logic to prove God exists. []


Perfection is simply a dreamer's paradise, it only lives in our imagination.
As far as my perfect utopia for the world, I pay lip service to peace.

mzee Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

I have no idea how to answer this question. Perfection is... simply not a concept that I can wrap my head around. Every time something good happens, I can conceive of it being better. But I only say perfect in a watered down sense of the word. True perfection? No... I can't think of it.


Perfection is impossible to achieve!

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