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So apparently I have tennis elbow, that hurts a lot! Anyone else had/have it. Was planning on working arm in the gym tonight. Revising that, any advice on ways to work around it or ease the pain?

Josephine 7 Apr 11

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Yep. So bad, I had to have it drained by the Doc. I sit in the whirlpool for whatever ails me, then go swimming. My advice: soak it and rest it.


Once got it from shelving a heavy book behind me, LOL. An exercise that worked wonders for me was to place the forearm on a flat surface, place weight (1 lb. to 5 lb.) In hand. Raise your arm up about 45 degrees, hold, relax. I started with a 1 lb. can of tomatoes and worked my way up. Got considerable relief almost immediately. Keep weights up to build strength. Good luck. Tennis elbow sucks!


I have had it. Rest it.


Neoprene elbow supports and another neoprene strap device I purchased. Both helped me with the pain. It drives me crazier with ever flair up. Feel better.


I get what my friend calls "e-bay elbow" from sitting using a mouse too long.


Rest...and more rest of the elbow. Now that will be two hundred and thirty american dollars (usd) for my input. Lol.

@Josephine No, the current exchange would be around One hundred and thirty pounds. So, when is the payment being sent? LOL


OMG I had it before I had cortisol injection on my elbow it was painful

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018
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