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'I Dare Call It Treason' -- Steve Hochstadt, emeritus professor of history at Illinois College.

From the blog post:

Bank robbers who sign their hold-up notes may be incompetent, but they are still committing robbery. Just because Trump’s actions are clumsy, petulant, and unlikely to succeed, is no reason not to label their criminality properly.
Trump’s tweet two days after the election, “STOP THE COUNT!”, has been widely misunderstood. Election officials do not heed his tweeted instructions. He was urging his supporters to stop those officials from counting ballots. That was incitement to insurrection.

RichCC 8 Nov 25

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And now, Republicans in Georgia want to make it illegal to vote without a driver's license - harkening back to the only voters were land owners.

Voter suppression in the American South? Who would have imagined.

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