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All of a sudden, we have a new dog.
Brendan came home with Chico, the American Bulldog, a gorgeous example of his breed.
I never considered myself a foster mom. The cats are not thrilled, but we shall work it out. Then there is the matter of the owner who is doing a stretch in jail for a parole violation. Drama, nothing but drama but it's not the dog's fault
Stay tuned.
Photos to follow!

Spinliesel 9 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Sit the cats down and explain to them that if they want top billing in the household pet hierarchy they should have kept thier diety status from ancient Egypt.

Careful, though - its a sensitive subject for most of them.

Congrats on the new addition

1of5 Level 8 Nov 30, 2020

Well, today all the cats are in my bedroom, hardly a hiss between them. I think they are planning a combined attack on the dog. I will keep my eyes open!

@Spinliesel pretty sure it'd take all of them for a bulldog to notice anything. 😉


How are you feeling? I'm sure these four legged family members can lift your spirits.

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