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I support Gay rights even though I'm not Gay or Liquid and not in denial. I like ladies.
Maybe because a transgender person once saved my life or well what happens in the bedroom between two consenting adults is not my business. I got other things to keep me occupied.
Now in OZ we just had a star Rugby player making homophobic comments in the media "They should burn in Hell". I don't know if his Christian or Muslim but it sucks and he hasn't been disciplined.
So what makes people homophobic?

  1. Religion, because religions want more of their specific kind to reproduce. It's a reproduction battle. Who can have more members. Gays are out of the picture.
  2. People who have doubts about their own repressed sexuality and have to re-assert themselves.
    Have fun,
jules4169 6 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Thought of something more: Fear of Diversity.
Diversity is required for evolution yet we make fun of anyone different. Ultimately it comes down to 'fear' of anyone's diversity that we don't understand. Education is the best cure.


It's funy isn't it as in the "animal kingdom" gay animals are not judged at all 🙂

Oops meant to press the 'Like' button. Thanks for your comment. Yes, there species of water birds and 60 % are female who spend their whole life together with their female partner.


Both could, but at the end of the day it's a form of oppression. Someone's sexuality doesn't harm anyone and so is not a threat to others, therefore shouldn't need suppressing. I'm with you, straight: but have been on rallies for lgbt rights, simply because I think it's the right thing to do.


Humans fear that which they do not understand. That which humans fear, they often seek to destroy. Homophobes fear the lgbt community because we are different from them, and make no apologies for it. They fear the changes that societal acceptance of us represents, and will never get on board.


I agree peace for anyone no matter their sexual standing

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