'Superflares' May Make It Hard for Life to Thrive on Earth's Nearest Exoplanet...
Of all the conditions we are looking for in an earthlike exoplanet, like the goldilocks zone, which are condusive to liquid water and to harbour life, I think having a strong magnetic field is often understated. The difference that stands out between Mars and earth, both in the good zone in our solar system, is a strong magnetic field. I wonder if there is a way to detect an exoplanet's magnetic field?
Good question! I think a strong magnetic field is a must, I also wonder about having a decent size satellite, such as our moon.
That's an interesting observation. I, too, have often been struck by how many quirks of our planet seem to have contributed to life forming here.from the Goldilocks Zone, to iron cores and magnetic fields, to the tilt of our axis in relation to our orbit around the Sun.
All, and more, seem to have been the spoon that stirred the primordial soup to produce life. That or acted as shielding that kept mutation at sustainable levels for evolution.
I think the instances of life - as we would recognize it - in the Universe are more rare than most of us might think.