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Climate Change Legislation Included in Coronavirus Relief Deal.

"The legislation calls for cutting the use of powerful planet-warming chemicals common in air-conditioners and refrigerators -- [ HFC phase-out to be complete by 2035 ] ... U.S. companies are already the leaders with the technology that has been developed to replace the less environmentally-friendly refrigerants,” he said ... The push by industry brought along Senate Republicans, at least of whom signed on as sponsors to the legislation."

How soon might even more Republicans agree to major innovation of regenerative and sustainable technologies? Is their agreement to step up primarily dependent on when McConnell ceases to be Senate leader?

AnonySchmoose 8 Dec 26

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Governments can hide anything they want. If it's about climate change, covid is a big part of this too. The world covid order is a new climate change also. We live in greater poverty, and still the greatest threat to mankind, the natural enviorment. Covid pandemic is human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 emerged from an animal source. Genetic sequence data reveals that the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus circulating in Rhinolophus bat (Horseshoe Bat) populations. Livestock is even a greater issue. Governments will distracts us by lesser issues by the power of fear.


I do relate covid with livestock and most of our animal diseases together. Which are our greatest health hazard to us and the natural environment.
Livestock has surpassed oil industries for pollution. I think people sense it, but are programed to not care.

The sustainable solution is regenerative farming to restore soil health with the help of rotational grazing of cattle, which allows growth of grasslands with shrubs & trees. See documentary if interested.


"page not found"

skado Level 9 Dec 26, 2020

Try it again. I have a subscription.

Link works now, but won't let me read without subscription. Thanks though.

@skado Sorry.
I believe there is a limit to how many articles you can read, and then they won't allow you access.

Right. I've done my limit. No prob.

Cow farts could be worst. Livestock has surpassed the pollution of oil industries.

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