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A man brewed some "magic mushroom" tea and then injected it into himself. 22 days in the hospital and still not in very good shape. The funguz started growing in his bloodstream. So, visionary or stupid twit?


Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 14

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If it grew, presumably he did not even bother to heat his water properly.


I will say stupid twit...unless he survives and somehow ends up with some sort of superpower.

Hmmm...what powers would Fungus Man have other than the ability to operate a spore drive on an interstellar space ship?

I am reminded that you wanted to be buried in a mushroom blanket, Perhaps he has thought of a faster way.

@dalefvictor That's his super power. The ability to decompose at a super fast speed. The downside: he only gets to use it once.

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