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All Thumbs?

The old idiom meant "clumsy". I am much worse. I am all big-left-toes, but in this day and age we must revise the meaning. Have you seen youngsters (and some oldsters) text at the speed of light? They use their thumbs on the phone's keyboard with dexterity.

Now "all Thumbs" should mean "Capable Texter."

A note about dexterity - Dexter is right. Sinister is left, but the youngsters (and oldsters) on the phone are both!

norealgod 6 Apr 13

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I know what you mean! I still peck at the phone keyboard with one finger and I"m slow. At least on the computer I can type quickly, since I've been typing for 45 years.

I am the slowest typist in my neighborhood, yet I'd managed to write 2 books

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