Monday February 1st, 2021
we as humans have been - given - endowed &/or evolved with -
certain & specific {physical mental & Spiritual} - abilities & acuity -
among these latent talents is the - capability - capacity & aptitude -
to consciously - analyze & examine - elucidate & discern - TRUTH -
it is thru your perception - contemplation & determinations -
Actions & re-actions - that U decide & thus Know -Who & What -
U R - as an - Eternal Being - Divinely being - a - human Person -
U as a {Soul Spirit Self Being} - R - Eternal & Divine -
in your very - {Essence Source Origin - Nature & Being} -
U as an Individuation of GOD as LIFE - R - being a Person -
in as thru a - physical - biologic - human animal - body of -
{matter mass liquid & gas} - Personifying a - tellurian & terrestrial -
Creature Creator as One Self - a Spirit inhabiting a finite Life form -
as an - Eternal & Divine - {Being Soul Self Spirit} - U R as GOD is -
Unlimited & Unbound - in your Self - Determinations & Choices -
acting upon your Aspirations & Desires - will lead to Awakening -
your thoughts words & deeds R explicitly your - Personal domain -
unless U have willingly given them or they R - forcefully subverted -
by another human - enabling them to make - Life's choices for U -
U as an - Eternal Being - may have as many - times of Life -
as U so Choose - to experience & thus Know - Ones Self - AS -
U as a finite - human animal - Creature Creator - being a Person -
R an exemplification & personification of - One {Self Soul Spirit} -
an Eternal Being dwelling very briefly in a - relative realm of Time -
occupying a minute portion of Space -thus - Knowing Ones Self -
experientially thru a - tellurian & sublunary - human Life form -
Namaste - Souls of LOVE - being - Spirits of ENERGY -
manifesting - One Self - in as thru a - Being of LIFE -
let not another's limitations or restrictions - Be your Own -
let not boundaries nor barriers - deprive thee of - Self Realization -
let not another determine the path nor direction of - Your Life -
Be the Person that U so Aspire & Desire - to Know Ones Self - AS -
for in Truth Fact & Deed this is YOUR time of Life in Life as - LIFE -
use it Wisely & become the Person whom U have - Chosen to BE -
KWATE3L < ~ >
Woo disguised by pseudo intellect, is still just woo. ....
if One cannot confute the - Validity or Veracity - of that which U call "woo" -
than U have simply renamed the - title - names & labels of - Wisdom and Truth -
to a much more pathetic descriptor - such as "woo" - which is OK for U - yet not I -
I said the exact same thing to my dog just moments ago. He told me that I was full of shit and to get the hell away from him.
It would have been funnier if you just ended at "dog."
well - actually & factually - your dog is correct -
literally & figuratively - U R full of shit - as is your dog -
the solution would appear to be -
to severely restrict your daily intake of Fox News -
& substantially increase your daily dose of CNN or MSNBC -
The only thing more annoying than reading nonsense like this is the childish writing style used.
One thing that is much more annoying than your comment -
would be your - willfull nescience & mental incapacity -
to - be Aware of - elucidate or understand the fact -
that tens of thousands of writing styles have existed -
during the short 200K year duration of human history -
and U - Do Not - get to Choose - Who uses which one -
love the baby pic and the lion and fear nothing
they do tend to leave a - favorable impression -
Thanks for the pleasant comment -
may Life find U - Happy Healthy Wealthy & Wise -
Namaste - Energy in Life being human -
Give me a break.
OK - its been just over - 2 hours now -
so U have now had a - sufficient break -
now put your apparently - rather limited intellectual -
acuity back to work and - see if U can posit any argument -
refuting the congruency - Validity or Veracity - of the postulate -