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I don't know why most of believers think that athiests are negative, well I gotta tell you something, there is huge difference between being realistic and negative, in fact we are positive realistic and we do what takes instead of praying to get something.

Do what it takes and be positive

Detached 4 Feb 18

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You're right about the huge difference between being realistic and negative. Realistically, I don't believe humans will last long enough to learn that difference, however.


For this reason, I frequently describe myself as a "happy atheist".

While I am probably not more or less happy than the average person, in general, I am VERY happy with my lack of religion. (Kinda like how, if I stop to think about it, I am VERY happy with my lack of smallpox.)

lack of Herpes is a wonderful thing

or anal warts maybe


They think that because they are bad people who only do good things out of fear from a vindictive deity. Atheist do good things because they think it's right.

humans can be pretty impressive even without the moral teachings of the good book

even more so perhaps

the jesus story is crap and its any wonder anybody would eat that shit up eh

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