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This is a world wide pandemic. We look to science for a solution via vaccine.
Many vaccines are being produced, some better than others. By adhering to the basic scientific principals, we should promote the more efficient ones in a holistic way to end this ie cost, storage, efficiency. And then we have politics so my philosophical question to ponder is this;
Should the denial of more effective vaccines to a population for geopolitical reasons be considered biological warfare? A crime if excess deaths occur because of this decision?

This can go both way ie The "West" may refuse "Eastern" and "Eastern" may refuse "Western" to the detriment of their people so it's not a political ideology question.

powder 8 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Some are better than others? AZOx? It's safe and effective. I wish it are available here. 20 million doses and virtually 100% effective against death from Covid.

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