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Planned parenthood is not just for abortions

whiskywoman 8 Feb 24

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Planned Parenthood does a lot of good work but it does random abortions without exceptions. That is what the protesters are against. The glass is only half full. Can't glorify across the board. We have bad things just like the conservatives do. There should be a middle ground.

so what I think they should be paid for by the government they save lives and we have too many ppl already why force someone to reproduce

the middle ground is for men to stop controlling women's bodies
when we can say who gets a vasectomy and who doesn't you can say who gets an abortion


Saving lives, health care, birth control pills .. all is good but indiscriminate abortions on what the fight is for. Even moderate Democrats will never accept indiscriminate - no questions asked abortions. Forced to re-produce? That is rape and is included in exceptions. Women's freedom does not mean freedom do anything with their pregnancies. Nobody should have that freedom.

The middle ground is stand on your own, don't make babies as teenagers while living in mother's homes, finish education, get a job and be responsible. Have all the fun in the world while being responsible. Millions of people around the world are doing it every day.


These religious right think they are doing God's work. If that truly were a vindictive deity, they would burn for eternal damnation. Planned Parenthood is a wonderful organization

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