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Anyone else longing to see another planetary cityscape? (Even if it's just from human expansion.) And follow-up...Get depressed knowing that none of us living will see it? (Promise I am not trying to be a downer, ?, it is just something that I periodically contemplate.)

Nordicdadbod 3 Apr 15

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Yup would be nice ........maybe a planet of atheists


ME ME ME!!!!


Humans need to learn how to care for Earth before packing off to other worlds.

I hate city scapes on this planet, I prefer to see unspoilt nature. I want to see what Evolution has come up with elsewhere, though, preferably more than microorganisms.


I honestly think humans as a whole don't deserve to reside on other planets. Look at what we did to this one...who says we won't do the exact same thing somewhere else.


I really do not. I think it would be the height of human arrogance to inflict ourselves anywhere else. What I find truly depressing is the lack of appreciation humanity has for the home we have. We don't deserve another. We don't even deserve this one.


Join Elon Musk at space X and go build your own cityscape on Mars !

If you put your heart into it you wil, succeed.


I get this feeling all the time. It makes me upset that we’ve more or less wasted 30 or so years of space program. We stopped pushing when we no longer had war as motivation. Simultaneously though, the current age of private space industry is incredibly exciting. Mixed bag I guess.

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