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Ron DeSantis Playing Politics With Vaccinations? Oh, Who Woulda Thought? On Track To Be 2024 GOP Candidate!

BirdMan1 8 Mar 4

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This is going on in more places than just Florida. In Democrat run states as well.

Want to say more about that?

@LucyLoohoo I don't know about California. Do you know influential people who got the vaccine when other haven't been able to get it? PA has an app called YourTurn, for equitable distribution of the vaccine. It includes every country in the Commonwealth except for Philadelphia County, which is doing it's own rollout. It's not being distributed fairly. The city has 1c as ages 19-64. Good old boys club. It isn't just DeathSantis.

@barjoe I think of it this way...there will be inequities because human beings cheat and always will. I hate to think about places like India/the slums of South Africa & Kenya...not to mention Cairo! All in all--I'd like to think the US is more equitable than many.

@LucyLoohoo I agree. FEMA just opened a site in Philly. By tax day, I think people will be able to get it if they want it.

@LucyLoohoo Well, with so many countries in the world, we are probably ahead of at least a few, sadly.

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