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I just went to Amazon and I ordered all of William Shakespeare's works. Along with all of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, and every Sherlock Holmes novel.

Dyl1983 8 Mar 4

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This is why I love Amazone. This online marketplace has a wide variety of products. Who has ever thought you could purchase William Sheckspire's books from Amazon. Moreover, I have recently purchased a LED light system from Amazon. I was looking to add some light to my car and found on [] a suitable light system. By the way, do you guys know where to find any discount coupons for Amazon products? Some products on Amazon are overpriced, so a discount coupon will become handy.


Though I like non-fiction best, I ordered the collected writings of Homer, Twain, Doyle’s SH and several other famed fictioners. I’ve read all of Doyle’s and more of Twain’s work than that of the others. Calvin and Hobbes beats most of them.




Going on a long flight ?

A long virus-related shelter-in-place.


Should have gone to Thrift Books & saved hundreds if not thousands! However, happy reading!


When I was 16, my parents gave me "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare" for Christmas. I was thrilled. Still have it.

And I have "The Complete Sherlock Holmes- Memorial Edition" by A. Conan Doyle. All of my siblings loved it.

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