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Here Are the 8 Democrats Who Just Joined GOP to Vote Down Sanders' $15 Minimum Wage Amendment

"Every single Dem who voted against a $15 minimum wage should be primaried," declared Krystal Ball, host of HillTV's "Rising."

"Sen. Bernie Sanders' last-ditch effort to reattach a $15 minimum wage provision to the Senate coronavirus relief package failed Friday morning after 8 members of the Democratic caucus joined all 50 Republicans in voting down the Vermont senator's amendment."

"If any Senator believes this is the last time they will cast a vote on whether or not to give a raise to 32 million Americans, they are sorely mistaken."
—Sen. Bernie Sanders

Those who voted against advancing Sanders' amendment were Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Angus King (I-Maine.), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), and Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.)."

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nogod4me 8 Mar 8

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Have you heard any Democrats supporting a $14, or a $13.50, minimum wage?

Of course not; the Democrats are the reverse side of the ruling class’ coin.

To win, use direct democracy: the direct initiarive, referendum and recall. If your state doesn’t yet have them, GET THEM. When enough states have them, the nation will get them.

For info, go to and search on “History of initiative and referendum in the U.S.”


You have 3 million dollars to primary each 8 Senators???$$$$$ Even if they win history proves demonRATs betray labor as soon as the lobbyists bribery money kicks in..... only honest GREENS can be reliable in office


$15 was a bad idea at this time. These Democrats are heroes. Nothing that waco Bernie says should ever become law.


A stand-alone minimum wage bill will put electoral heat on the Republicans. DO IT!

Why do you keep making excuses for the demonRATs??? This corrupt right half of fascist USA does not give a fuck about 40% of USA in poverty @yvilletom TAKE DOWN YOUR LIES FROM OUR GREEN PARTY GROUP please

@yvilletom get out of our green party group.... Take down your trollung post there demonrats and incompatible with greens

@yvilletom fuck you trolls GET OUT OF OUR GREEN GROUP here demonRATs & rethuglicans are all zionists and you are responsible for illegal warS in 160 countries

Do you have a conscience behind your TROLLING.....YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT for wage slaves suffering below the poverty level set by your DUOPOLY gangster games


What does Kristal Ball know? Some of them voted no because they knew the Senate Parliamentarian ruled against it. Kyrsten Sinema is the one who should be primaried. I think some senators felt it would jeopardize passage of the bill. Introduce a standalone minimum wage bill, it's not attached to any funding. I think it will pass with at least one out treo Republicans.

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