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World council meeting in Australia this May.
Own nothing and be happy?
Sounds like heaven

Castlepaloma 8 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Shipping people that don’t want to preserve our environment here sounds great, when can we start? πŸ˜‚
Personally I find rental prices are higher than buying outright as I look after my things, going on printer deals. Plus they force obsolescence, so not a great development as far as I can see.

All the sheep have been following in line beautiful so far with this covid world order. So now, this no way, this next step can be called a conspiracy theory. The WEF really want to own everything and you own nothing. Like a super-size-me mafia, they will take care you in every way.

Great Reset is the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held in June 2020. It brought together high-profile business and political leaders, convened by the Prince of Wales and the WEF, with the theme of rebuilding society and the economy in what is claimed to be a more sustainable way following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do you think the hypnotize mass will wake up in time?


When I was young , Dad used to get Popular Mechanics Magezines , which would predict what the future was likely to be like . It had some amazing forecasts , some of which did come true , some are now possible , but not in general use , yet , at least .. This is an amazing time to be alive . I had a little old maid Aunt who could remember the very first time an automobile came to Laurel , the city she grew up in , between Washington D.C. and Baltimore , Md . She lived to see man walk on the moon . When I was small , my parents bought an old used car that had both a key ignition starter and a long crank as a back up system for starting the car . Now there are self driving trucks and cars on the roads . They had an old TV someone else was was getting rid of , that had a screen that measured about 5" diagnoly . now you can buy a screen that is relatively flat that takes up most of a wall .

Do you think the hypnosis mass will wake up in time?
Mass hypnosis is what happens when a message is repeated so that it implicitly makes sense and is accepted by a mass.

It worked with covid, why not this?

Most experts estimate that 80% to 85% of the population needs to have some level of immunity for the pandemic to end.
Will even this worked?

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